Reading Time

I can’t remember my life without books. Reading has always been a huge part of me, and I have my dad to thank for that. When I was little, Dad always read to me. Even though I had books of my own, he would take me to the library each week so that I could pick out new books and get used to the smells, stacks and system of the library. I loved our weekly adventure.

Poky PuppyBefore reading a storybook to me, Dad would read me a Bible story. I didn’t like them that much. I found the stories boring, but I would bide my time so that we could get on to the old lady with the house full of rabbits, to The Poky Little Puppy, to Danny the Dinosaur, or to any of the Richard Scary stories. I was patient back then.

But there is one Bible story that I vividly remember; it was about the four friends who brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing (Mark 2:1–12). I remember the blue-striped robe Jesus was wearing, the smile on his face, the four friends digging through the thatched roof to get to Jesus, and the happy faces of all the friends, especially of the one who was healed.

I don’t really know why this story touched me or why I remember it so well. I think in my child’s mind, it was the first time I had an idea of who this Jesus was—he was a happy and caring man. I could go to him; I could take my friends to him. I liked the friends who were so determined and the digging through the roof. This story has always made me happy, and it still does today. Thanks, Dad.

3 thoughts on “Reading Time

  1. Cynthia

    Thank you to your father and to every parent, grandparent, Godparent, teacher, and friend who share stories of Jesus to children!

  2. Brittany

    This made me smile! I remember this story as well but think I was more fastinated by the fact they came through the roof & than he could walk again. Your insight was deeper than mine..:). Little Brown Bear was my favorite! Dad & Mom had to read that to us every

    1. It was probaby the same storybook Dad used for me–lol. I remember Little Brown Bear being your book. Over the years, off and on, I have googled for my rabbit book, but I can’t find it, not even the name. What I wouldn’t give to find that book. The original is probably in the attic somewhere.

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